I have a corsa 1.2 2007 how do i fix anti-mist lines?
hi there, iv'e got a 3 year old Vauxhall corsa and 2 of the lines aren't working on the rear window. I was told that i would have to get the rear window replaced to fix it. Is there a cheaper solution?
try cpc.co.uk they sell conductive paint about£7.50 they also sell conductive pens in standard and micro sizes but are fairly dear at approx £20 [a lot cheaper than new screen!
July 2010
Motor factors like Halfords sell a repair system, it's an electrically conducting paint, that you paint over the broken elements and it restores the full de-misting
July 2010
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I have a corsa 1.2 2007 how do i fix anti-mist lines?