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Mend Renault Clio Cars

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Mend Renault Clio Engine Year

Tappet noise from engine. How can I fix this?

Renault clio 90Tec year 2013 40,000mos
Has a noise like tappets when idling. Have had the timeing chain and guides changed. Car runs perfect other than this noise.

John Mitchell
February 2019
Thanks for yore respons

The oil nd filer have been changed but he noise is still the same. Where is the auxiliary belt tensioner an can it be adjusted. The noise seems to be high up in the engine and more towards the passenger side.

John Mitchell
February 2019
Noise is probably coming from the auxiliary belt tensioner, but first check that you have the correct grade of oil and a new genuine oil filter.

February 2019
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Find out how to mend Renault Clio cars

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Find out how to mend Renault Clio cars