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Mend Micromark Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems

ReActivate Micromark MM9490A Burglar Alarm?

We have moved into a new house and the alarm has power to the control panel (led working and when I trip the power in the fuse box it sets the alarm off) but I can't program it. There is no response from the control panel at all when I try to put the code in. Is there something that the previous owner could have done (I know he installed it himself) to stop the control panel working?

November 2012
guys,why when a micro mark bit of junk comes on this site,dont they just delete it right away ???u no as well as i ,its not fit for a dog kennal ,so why waste our time on it ?you guys know what i mean

November 2012
Thanks for the advice people. I'm going to look at getting a new one.

November 2012
Well it's a none graded system so obviously we guys on here don't touch them,but we are in the service industry and we often have to respond to a grumpy one,

so we know these all too well and doesn't take a genius to work out how rubbish they are,

Micromark went tits up years ago and are not manufactured anymore but saying that there's still plenty of unsold stock knocking around.

Don't waste your hard earned cash or your time with any of them,

rip it out and feed it to the bin,

Don't take our advice?, then read other forums and the issues these inferior rubbish have,bet you quickly change your mind.


e manno
November 2012
take alarm guys advice rip it out buy a decent system,alarm guy know what he on about

November 2012
Thanks, I've never had one before but thought as its there all wired in I would use it - but then they are pretty cheap now for a new wireless one I guess.

I think you maybe right e manno. I have already checked the fuses and they were fine but I did not power down first and it did not set the tamper alarm off when I removed the front of the control panel! I will check the battery for any charge tonight and go from there.

November 2012
While its dead, kill it.
Get something decent instead.

November 2012
Chances are the battery is buggered :),

It's not uncommon to see fuses removed from the pcb,

people do some silly stuff when they try and shut their systems down,I've seen it.

Power the system down (mains) and check the pcb for any missing fuses,if all ok then replace the backup battery.

e manno
November 2012

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