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Mend EuroSec Home Alarm Systems

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Mend > Home Alarm Systems

Mend EuroSec House Alarm Fault

I have a problem with my house alarm system SYSTEM: EUROSEC?

I have a problem with my house alarm system
Fault on control keypad - Off Chg Low VOLTS
My alarm goes off inside the house not outside. Clearly there is a fault and when the alarm sounds I can stop it by pressing the button on the fob which is normally used to set the alarm. I have to set the alarm when going to bed, otherwise the alarm keeps going off throughout the night.
I believe the battery needs to be replaced but I don't know how to do it or where it is located, I haven't got a service manual and I can't find anywhere to download one, I've even written to Eurosec overseas but get no response. The installation company has disappeared.
I wonder if you could possibly help me with some guidance, any advice on how to eradicate this fault would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards

August 2022
More info possibly:

August 2022
The system you refer to is based around a Eurosec CPX control panel. The no. you give relates to the keypad itself. Intelligent system, checks control panel battery hourly to confirm it is in good order. Keypad would normally indicate fuse/battery fault if it detects a fault. Would agree control panel backup battery probably needs replaced. Battery will be found in main alarm control box, a blank plastic box probably hidden in cupboard adjacent to electricity consumer unit.

Should be possible to locate engineer manual online. Be aware that engineer code will probably have been changed by installer. They have the option to lock this in and can only be reset by the code used by the installer. That said you may not need the engineer code simply to change the battery, using your code or fob to stop the noise when you open the main box.

August 2022
Mend Security Systems, Home Alarm Systems
Free repair help for EuroSec home alarm systems

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